Category "Uncategorised"

Record breaking 2018 Games

Record breaking 2018 Games

Despite a couple of rain showers, this did not prevent three ground records being smashed at Halkirk in front of a crowd of just over 2,000. Vladislav Tulacek of the Czech Republic, broke the 56lb

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Rules of the Games

Rules of the Games

2018 Rules of the Games Click on the link to view the specific rules for the Halkirk Games. The aim being to avoid confusion and disputes.

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events timetable

events timetable

2018 At a Glance timetable With nearly 100 events packed into 5 hours, the timetable has to be followed in order to finish on time. The track events are usually within 5 minutes of the stated

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Events & prize money

Events & prize money

2018 Events_and_prize_money Click on the link to view the 2018 events and prize money, including the fantastic money for breaking records - up to £1,000 in some cases.

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Facebook page

Facebook page

Keep up to date with all the latest news as it happens, on our Facebook page, which includes a cracking aerial photo of Halkirk. The link is:

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The count down is on

The count down is on

The Halkirk Games Committee will be starting to prepare the field on Monday 23rd July - only 4 days away. The June dry spell combined with the light rain in July means that the ground

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Music tent at Halkirk Games

Music tent at Halkirk Games

music_tent_2018_poster As per last year, there will be a tent at the Games for showcasing the local musical talent, with 30min slots for each act.

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Record Breaking Prize money

Record Breaking Prize money

A reminder that the prize money has increased for 2018 with 1st prize now £75 for all main events in all categories. The prize purse is over £16,000 for the 95 events, plus over £21,000

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2018 poster

2018 poster

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Stall holders – prebooking

Stall holders – prebooking

STALL BOOKINGS REMINDER Change to the process this year - All Stalls should be PREBOOKED Every stall (charity, business, craft, food, etc) needs to complete a form to allow us to allocate spaces. If you would like a

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