Live Streaming | Halkirk Games

Halkirk Highland Games, Scotland


Live Streaming

📁 Uncategorised 🕔28.July 2023
Live Streaming

The Association is pleased to announce that new equipment has just been installed to allow live streaming of the Halkirk Games. A strong broadband signal and two cameras, means that people who cannot attend can watch the action as it happens via our Facebook page ((2) Facebook) (search for Halkirk Highland Games). Fingers crossed that the technology works on Saturday!

This has happened at very short notice and is due to the great work of two Thurso businesses that approached the Association with the proposal to enhance the Games and bring it into the 21st century. They are Acorn Broadband who installed the signal equipment and Navertech the cameras. The Association is grateful for their efforts and generous sponsorship to allow it to happen.

Please spread the word and tune in around 12noon (British Summer Time) on Saturday 29 July.

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