2019 photos & press reports | Halkirk Games

Halkirk Highland Games, Scotland


2019 photos & press reports

📁 Uncategorised 🕔31.July 2019
2019 photos & press reports

Here are some links to the press reports and some cracking photos;

Gavin Bird, photos on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/pg/Gavin.Bird.Photographer/photos/

Caithness Courier report and photos: https://www.johnogroat-journal.co.uk/news/records-tumble-in-the-sunshine-at-halkirk-games-181024/?fbclid=IwAR12DfI2BAsPAaiVT611UWoSGadXHvu00sNJiDe_0v8Pi9rI02uyo5NzLWY

Photos on the Caithness community website: http://www.caithness.org/fpb/2019/july/gallery.php?gallery=4

Press & Journal report: https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/highlands/1806722/thousands-flock-to-halkirk-as-norths-premier-games-takes-place-in-glorious-sunshine/

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